ERB Princess of Mars – John Carter, Dejah Thoris & Tars Tarkas

As mentioned in posted in an earlier post, I tried my hand at illustrating my own interpretation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs’ vision for the characters, working entirely from his text in Princess of Mars.

"To Capture a Princess" - Edgar Rice Burrough's Princess of Mars Painting by Jun Bob Kim
“To Capture a Princess” – Edgar Rice Burrough’s Princess of Mars Painting by Jun Bob Kim. Featuring John Carter, Dejah Thoris & Tars Tarkas on a thoat. Ink wash on Bristol Board.
"To Capture a Princess" - Edgar Rice Burrough's Princess of Mars REVISED Pencils by Jun Bob Kim
“To Capture a Princess” – Edgar Rice Burrough’s Princess of Mars REVISED Pencils by Jun Bob Kim.
"To Capture a Princess" - Edgar Rice Burrough's Princess of Mars Pencils by Jun Bob Kim
To Capture a Princess” – Edgar Rice Burrough’s Princess of Mars Pencils by Jun Bob Kim

Some of my notes from the text:

Tars Tarkas, an adult male Thark
– 40′ long metal tipped spear
– protruded eyes on extreme sides of the head
– vertical slits for nose
– tusks used for fighting
– 15 ft tall, 6 limbed, no nails
– no hair, smooth build, dark olive skin
– Jeds & Jeddaks wear feather fur lined silk short cape
– red iris, white eye, gleaming white teeth

A Thoat
– 8-legged creature
– Can walk very quietly
– Hairless
– Shiny
– No hoofs or nails
– Tail flare out wider at the tip than the base

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