Jun Bob Kim

Jun Bob Kim

Despite the absence of formal art education, few things were spared from serving as my canvas. Drawing became a childhood obsession turned into my lifelong passion. My specific love of sequential art birthed with the purchase of my first American comic book – Uncanny X-Men #271.

While attending college for a marketing degree, I continued to illustrate and design at every opportunity, serving as an editorial & sequential cartoonist and a commissioned artist. Holy War (my adaptation of The Holy War by John Bunyan, 1682), my first published comics ran in the university newspaper from 1992 to 1995. The serial earned an honorable mention for the Regional Collegiate Publishing Award, competing with publications from mega schools, such as Texas A&M and University of Texas.

After an eight year hiatus from comics, I picked up the drawing tools once again in 2002. Since then, my art has been published in several publications, including the cover to premiere issue of Comics NOW! magazine, and a 5-page Cipher story in Ape Entertainment’s FCBD book Cartoonpalooza #2. I am currently collaborating on Cipher: The Sorcerer Pope (previously called Ursula Wilde) with its writer & creator Steve Bryant. With the art chores completed for issue one, I am working dilligently to complete the remainder of the 3-part mini-series. A longtime resident of East Texas, I fight the daily battle to balance my passion for art with my family, a full-time job, and freelancing.

Interviews & Mentions:
11 Questions with Jun Bob Kim @ The Furnace – Oct 9th, 2009

A REVIEW A DAY: CIPHER: THE SORCEROR POPE @ Comic Book Resources – Sep 23rd, 2010

2009 Donna Troy & Wonder Girl commission by Jun Bob Kim @ Diana Prince as Wonder Woman – Jul 5th, 2010
2010 Batgirl & Miss Martian commission by Jun Bob Kim @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu – Jul 5th, 2010
Power Girl & Martian Manhunter by Jun Bob Kim @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu – Jul 5th, 2010
2009 Batman commission by Jun Bob Kim @ Justice League Detroit – Jul 5th, 2010

Me as “Matt Parkman, the Telepathic Cop” in Heroes @ Jimmy’s Juke Joint – Aug 8th, 2008